# Level0-Module0

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Level 0 has coding exercises, which we call "recipies", for students who have just started programming.

With these recipes, students will learn how to:

  1. Draw shapes and images using Processing
  2. Control the flow of code using if statements and loops
  3. Print Strings and use dialogs to interact with a user
  4. Build simple games using skills learned

In the LEAGUE's online Java curriculum, the lessons are organized into levels, modules, lessons and assignments. Every level has a whole website, like this one. Inside the level are modules. Modules are named with a number at the end, like "Module 0", and they will have links with a large bold title on the left side of the page, which you can see on the left side menu in this page.

At the top of this page you will see three colored buttons.

These buttons are how you will get access to the code for your lessons and create web based editors for completing your lessons. In your first lesson, 01 Demo you will learn how to use these buttons to get source code and start up a web based editor.

There is one more important link. If you visit one of the assignment pages, like this one (opens new window) you will see a link. This link will take you into the Module repositopry, to the specific directory that has the assignment you are working on.

# Start the First Assigment

To Start the first assignment, click on the first lesson in the left sidemenu. The lesson is named '01 Demo', just under 'Module0'