# 03 Method Writing
# 03 Method Writing 1 Intro To Methods
# Obedient Robot
# Goal:
Make an obedient robot that will obey commands to draw shapes.
# Steps:
- This recipe practices writing and calling void methods.
- Make a new class, create a main method, and show the robot.
- Have the robot draw a square.
- Put this code into a drawSquare() method.
- Have the robot draw a triangle.
- Put this code into a drawTriangle() method.
- Have the robot draw a circle.
- Put this code into a drawCircle() method.
- Ask the user which shape they want. Draw the appropriate shape depending on their answer (call the right method).
- Ask the user which color they want. Give them some choices so you don't have to accomodate every possible color. Color the the shape depending on their answer.
# Happy Pet
# Goal:
Write methods to represent the activities that will make the user's pet happy.
# Steps:
- Ask the user to enter the type of pet they want (give them a few choices).
- Use a loop (maybe a while loop?) to keep offering interactions with their pet until the desired pet happiness level has been reached. Examples of activities are: Feed, Walk, Play
- Write a method for each of the pet activities offered. Each activity should increase (or decrease) the pet's happiness level by a different amount, depending on the kind of pet they have. For example, a fish might not enjoy a walk!